Determinants of the amount of excess skin and the discomfort caused by the excess
of skin following massive weight loss
Principal investigator: Baillot, A.
Co-investigators: Aimé, A., Bernard, P., Bouchard, S., Brunet, J., Bierthio, L., Garneau,
P. Y., Langlois, M.-F., Rabasa-Lhoret, R., Romain, A. J., & Tchernof, A.
Funding: SSHRC
Effects of acute exercise following bariatric surgery: better understaning of
weight maintencance to better intervene
Principal investigators: Baillot, A.
Co-investigators: Doucet, E., Langlois, M.-F., Mathieu, M.-E., Riesco, E., Collomp, K., Thivel,
D., & Vibarel-Rebot, N.
Funding: CMDO
Psycho-behavioral effects of a physical exercise session in different practice
contexts in women with obesity
Principal investigator: Baillot, A.
Co-investigators: Bernard, P., Bouchard, S., & Fiset, D.
Funding: RISUQ
Development and impact of a psychological intervention with exposure in
virtual reality on social physical anxiety during physical activity in women
with obesity
Principal investigator: Baillot, A.
Co-investigators: Bouchard, S., Aimé, A., Romain, A. J., Crétu, A.-M., & Brunet, J.
Funding: ISM
Identification of weight-related biases among university students in
psychosocial, health and education sciences
Principal investigator: Baillot, A.
Co-investigators: Aimé, A., Maïano, C., Blackburn, P., & Lavallières, M.
Funding: UQO
Acceptability and feasibility of a telehealth intervention aimed at
increased physical activity before and after bariatric surgery:
a single-case experimental design study
Principal investigator: Baillot, A.
Co-investigators: Brunet, J., Blackburn, P., Bernard, P., Romain, A. J., Langlois, M.-F.,
Berthio, L., Garneau, P. Y., Bond, D., & Tchernof, A.
Funding: None